Heraklios 5

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitL VII
Dates684 (taq) / 685 (tpq)
PmbZ No.2557
Variant NamesHeraclius
Constantinople (residence)
Textual SourcesLiber Pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne, Le liber pontificalis. Texte, introduction et commentaire, 2 vols. (Paris, 1886-92); re-issued with 3rd vol. by C. Vogel, (Paris, 1955-57) (chronicle)

Heraklios 5 was son of the emperor Constantine IV (Konstantinos 2) and brother of the emperor Justinian II (Ioustinianos 1); locks of hair from him and his brother were sent to pope Benedict II (Benediktos 3) (in 684 or 685), a fact mentioned at the time in an imperial order issued to the clergy, people and army of Rome ("iussionem per quam significat eosdem capillos direxisse"): Lib. Pont. 83. 3 ("mallones capillorum domni Iustiniani et Heraclii filiorum clementissimi principis"). On the despatch of locks of hair as a form of adoption, see Duchesne, Lib. Pont. I, p. 364, n. 5. This is the only reference to a brother of the emperor Justinian II (Ioustinianos 1).

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