Anastasios 1 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | M VII |
PmbZ No. | 237 |
Locations | Constantinople; Lazike (exileplace); Perberis (Thrace) (exileplace); Bizye (Thrace) (exileplace); Rome |
Textual Sources | Acta in Primo Exilio seu Dialogus Maximi cum Theodosio ep. Caesareae in Bithynia, PG 90. 136-169 (theology); Relatio Motionis Factae inter Domnum Abbatem Maximum et Socium eius atque Principes in Secretario, PG 99. 109-130 (theology); Theodoros Spoudaios, Hypomnesticum (Gk), ed. R. Devreesse, "Le texte grec de l'Hypomnesticum de Théodore Spoudée", Anal. Boll. 53 (1935), pp. 66-80; (Lat.) version of Anastasius Bibliothecarius, (history); Theophanes Confessor, Chronographia, ed. C. de Boor, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1883-85, repr. Hildesheim/NewYork, 1980); tr. and comm. C. Mango and R. Scott, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, Oxford 1997 (chronicle) |
This entry deals with Anastasios 1. Maximos 10 (the Confessor) is said to have written many things against the heretical beliefs of the emperor Constans II (Konstans 1) "together with his disciples the Anastasii" (σὺν τοῖς μαθηταῖς αὐτοῦ Ἀναστασίοις): Theoph. AM 6149. Two disciples of Maximos 10, both called Anastasios (τοὺς δύο Ἀναστασίους μαθητάς of Maximos), were tortured and exiled by Constans II (Konstans 1): Theoph. AM 6160. These can be distinguished; one was a disciple of Maximos 10, the other (Anastasios 66) was a papal legate.
Anastasios 1 was a disciple (μαθητής) of Maximus the Confessor (Maximos 10); Anatasios 1 and Maximos 10, with the bishop of Rome, Martinos 6, convened a synod at Rome which condemned the Typos of Constans; subsequently Anastasios 1 and Maximos 10 were imprisoned by the emperor and questioned and were then exiled to Bizye and Perberis (Thrace); they were then recalled from there and subjected to further interrogation; afterwards they were both mutilated, having their hands and tongues cut off, and were exiled to Lazike: Theod. Spoud., Hypomnesticum (Gk), praef., p. 67. A disciple of Maximos 10, Anastasios 1 together with Maximos 10 spent ten years in exile, first at Bizye and Perberis (Thrace) and then in Lazike; they were first exiled in indiction 11 of the previous cycle (652/653); Anastasios died on 24 July of indiction 5, i.e. on 24 July 662: Theod. Spoud., Hypomnesticum (Gk), 5, pp. 74-75, Hypomnesticum (Lat), VI, 199.
He had once served as secretary to the grandmother of the consul Theodosios (Theodosios 76): Acta primi exilii 168A (νοταρίου τῆς μακαρίας ἡμῶν μάμμης), Vita Max. Conf. 96D, 104B. In 652/653 he was taken to Constantinople with Maximos 10 and subjected to accusations; it was alleged before Maximos 10 that when Gregorios 150 said on one occasion in Rome that the emperor was a priest, Anastasios 1, the disciple of Maximos 10 (ὁ ἀββᾶς Ἀναστάσιος ὁ μαθητὴς αὐτοῦ) replied that the emperor was not worthy, a charge denied by Maximos 10: Relatio Motionis IV, 113. Later Anastasios 1 (τὸν μαθητήν) was brought in and asked to condemn Maximos 10 for refusing to honour Pyrrhos 1 (patriarch of Constantinople); he denied that this was the case, and insisted on speaking quietly in spite of orders to speak up; for this he was flogged until half-dead, and then he and Maximos 10 were returned to their separate prisons: Relatio Motionis V, 120. Later he and Maximos 10 were taken back to the sekreton of the palace for further questioning; Anastasios 1 (alluded to as τὸν μαθητὴν τοῦ γέροντος) was questioned first and confronted with Konstantinos 280 and Menas 7; he gave a contemptuous report on Konstantinos 280; he was then asked if he condemned the Typos and he replied that he did and moreover had written a libellus against it; after further questions he was taken out of the sekreton: Relatio Motionis XII, 125-128. Maximos 10 was then brought in for questioning and among other things replied that Anastasios 1 had been his disciple for thirty-seven years: Relatio Motionis XIII, 128. On the following day, a Sunday, the two men were sent into exile, to separate places, Maximos 10 to Bizye and Anastasios 1 to Perberis (τὸν δὲ μαθητὴν αὐτοῦ εἰς Πέρβεριν): Relatio Motionis XV, 129. He was at Perberis in exile in August of indiction 14 (August 656): Acta primi exilii 144B, 168A, cf. Vita Max. Conf. 96D, 104B. He was questioned at this time by Troilos 3 and Epiphanios 50: Acta Primi Exilii 168AB. Shortly afterwards he and Maximos 10 were taken to Constantinople, tried, condemned and anathematised with pope Martinos 6, Sophronios (former patriarch of Jerusalem, 633/634-38, not included in PBE I) of Jerusalem and Anastasios 66; Maximos 10 and the two Anastasioi were sentenced to exile: Acta Primi Exilii 169C. Anastasios was delivered to the prefect (Anonymus 657), mutilated and exiled to Lazike: Acta Primi Exilii 172B.
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