Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire

Welcome to PBE I (641-867), John Martindale, Editor

ISBN: 978-1-897747-32-2


This site, the PBE I Online edition,  presents the research output of the Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire project, 641-867 (PBE I) which was carried out primarily at King's College London from the 1989 to 2001. It covered a period when the administrative structure and governing elite of Byzantium were undergoing crucial changes, and when the Mediterranean world of Late Antiquity was assuming the forms of the Middle Ages.

Click on the Data tab (above) to access the PBE I contents.

PBI I was originally published by Ashgate as a CD in 2001, and the Online edition you are now looking at contains, other than these few opening pages, the same materials presented almost exactly as they were then on that CD.  However, behind the visual display, the current site uses several more modern web technologies to make the material operate better on modern browsers.

A further project, the Prosopography of the Byzantine World, begun after the completion of PBE I, worked with sources from 1025 to 1150.  It is online at


The material contained within this website was originally published as a product of Ashgate publishers. On this site it is published openly through the kind permission of its original CD publisher Ashgate Publishing, for which many thanks are given.
  • King's College London housed the PBE I project from its inception to its completion, and provided technical support and the technical infrastructure.
  • The British Academy initiated the project, and supported it financially and in other ways over many years.  It also continues to support the ongoing Prosopography of the Byzantine World (PBW) project.
  • The Arts and Humanities Research Board (now the Arts and Humanities Research Council) was a major funder of the project.
  • Further acknowledgements, as originally presented on the PBE I CD, can be found here.

Copyright 2014 King's College London

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