This index provides access to a list of individuals described as women (either explicitly or implicitly by name or grammatical gender) in the sources. This index provides an alphabet choice in the purple banner-header. Choosing one of the letters by 'pointing and clicking' produces an alphabetical listing of women whose name begins with the chosen letter in the pink, left-hand area of the screen. This list of women with the PBE I identity names is 'scrollable' using the navigation bar on the right of the list. This process may be repeated as required. Alternatively, one can choose the 'all' option in the purple banner-header and see all the women in PBE I in a single list in the pink, left-hand area (the 'all' option is particularly useful in conjunction with search refinement).The individual records for individuals mentioned under a specific woman's name may be accessed by pointing and clicking. The biographical entry will appear on the white, right-hand area. The biographical entry is scrollable using the navigation bar on the right of the biographical entry. This process may be repeated as required. A different biographical entry may be accessed by pointing and clicking on a different PBE I identity name.
When reading a PBE I biographical record on the white, right-hand, side of the screen, one may encounter other PBE I individuals mentioned - in the form of highlighted, underlined PBE I identity names. If one 'points and clicks' on such a highlighted, underlined PBE I identity name, the PBE I biographical record for that individual is displayed in the white, right-hand area of the screen. One may return to the previous PBE I biographical record of by 'pointing and clicking' on the highlighted, underlined PBE I identity name of the original individual (the highlighting will be in a different colour, showing that that PBE I biographical record has already been accessed); or by pressing the Back button on the web browser (further information on the functions of individual browsers will be found in the documentation which accompanied the software). This process may be repeated ad lib., though scholars are advised to take a record of the sequence of PBE I individuals' records they access this way, as it is often difficult to reproduce the same sequence on a subsequent occasion.
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