Zacharias 19 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | M IX |
Dates | 861 (taq) / 867 (tpq) |
Religion | Christian |
Locations | Anagnia (Campania); Anagnia (Campania) (officeplace); Rome; Constantinople |
Occupation | Bishop |
Titles | Bibliothecarius, Rome (office); Bishop, Anagnia (Campania) (office); Representative (office); Representative of Nikolaos 28 (office) |
Textual Sources | Liber Pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne, Le liber pontificalis. Texte, introduction et commentaire, 2 vols. (Paris, 1886-92); re-issued with 3rd vol. by C. Vogel, (Paris, 1955-57) (chronicle); Photius, Epistulae, ed. B. Laourdas and L. G. Westerink, 3 vols. (Leipzig, 1983-85) (letters); Theognostus, Libellus ad Nicolaum I Papam (BHG 818C), PG 105. 856-861 (theology); Vita Ignatii Patriarchae, by Nicetas (BHG 817), PG 105.488-574) (hagiography) |
Zacharias 19 was bishop of Anagnia in 861: Lib. Pont. 107. 39 ("Zachariam Anagninum, sc. episcopum"). In 861 he was sent to Constantinople with Radoald 1 (bishop of Portus) by pope Nicolas I (Nikolaos 28) as papal representatives, to attend the Council called there to discuss the restoration of the veneration of images and also the dispute between Ignatios 1 and Photios 1: Lib. Pont. 107. 18-19. 38-39 (they were instructed solely to ascertain the facts, why Ignatios 1 was deposed and how Photios 1 replaced him, and not to enter into communion with Photios 1 until Nikolaos 28 knew the truth), Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 516B (δύο τοποτηρητὰς Ζαχαρίαν καὶ Ῥοδόαλδον ἐπισκόπους ἀποστέλλει). They ignored their instructions, entered into communion with Photios 1 and accepted a bribe to support his consecration, and at the Council they supported the dismissal of Ignatios 1: Lib. Pont. 107. 20. 40, cf. Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 525C (they are said to have accepted bribes from Photios 1 to support him), Theognostus, Libellus ad Nicolaum I 860A-B (they are said to have dined with Photios 1 and to have received gifts from him at Rhaidestos). They attended the hearing in the Church of the Holy Apostles with the emperor and high dignitaries of Church and State; they were prepared to allow Ignatios 1 to attend dressed in patriarchal garb if he wished, but the emperor insisted that he come dressed as a monk: Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 517B-C. At the session, in a supposed piece of dialogue with Ignatios 1, they described themselves as the pope's representatives, sent to judge Ignatios 1's case and had brought no letter from Nikolaos 28 for him because he had been deposed; they were subject to the emperor's will: Theognostus, Libellus ad Nicolaum I 857C-D. They later joined in the abuse of Ignatios 1 with cries that he was unworthy: Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 520C. When they returned to Rome they were questioned closely by Nikolaos 28, who discovered the truth: Lib. Pont. 107. 40-41, Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 525C. Nikolaos 28 summoned a Council at Rome, at which Zacharias 19, who was present in person, was deposed from his see and excommunicated: Lib. Pont. 107. 42, Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 525C (διηνεκεῖ καθαιρέσει καὶ ἀναθεματισμῷ καθυποβάλλει). Envoys of Nikolaos 28 in 860/861 who delivered to Constantinople the pope's reply to Photios 1's letter announcing his appointment, they are mentioned but not named in Photios 1's reply to Nikolaos (οἱ τῆς ὑμῶν ὁσιότητος τοποτηρηταί): Photius, Ep. 290 (III 124ff. Laourdas-Westerink). They are also alluded to as papal representatives (τοποτηρηταί) sent to Constantinople ostensibly on other business: Theoph. Cont. IV 32, p. 195, 15-20.
In 867, at the consecration of pope Hadrian II (Hadrianos 8), Zacharias 19 was among those who took communion from the hands of Hadrianos 8, in spite of his dismissal and excommunication by Nikolaos 28; he is identified as the bishop of Anagnia ("Zacharias Anagninus episcopus"): Lib. Pont.108. 10 (the text states that there was a huge crowd - "incredibilis multitudo" - fighting to receive communion from Hadrianos 8, among them Zacharias 19 and other excommunicated and deposed clergy; see Theutgardus of Trier (Theutgaud 1) and Anastasios 25), cf. Theognostos, Libellus ad Nicolaum I 861A.
Zacharias 19 was the bishop of Anagnia and bibliothecarius of Rome, and was the addressee of a letter from the patriarch Photios 1, dateable in March or April 880; he was an old friend of Photios 1, and is addressed as ὦ φίλων ἄριστε: Photius, Ep. 274 (II 224 laourdas-Westerink) (addressed Ζαχαρίᾳ ἐπισκόπῳ τῶν Αναγίνων καὶ βιβλιοθηκαρίῳ Ῥωμαίων). After the death of Anastasios 25 (Anastasius Bibliothecarius), Zacharias 19 himself became bibliothecarius; he subscribed the Acts of the Roman Council of 879: Mansi XVIIA 362A, 474B. In 881/882 he was envoy to Charles III. See further J.-B. Pitra, Juris Ecclesiastici Graecorum Historia et Monumenta II (Rome, 1868), XXIV; Mansi XV 167D, 178E-179B, XVI 4C, etc.; Synodicum Vetus, 159. 5-7, 160. 5; Zonaras XVI 4, pp. 403, 16-404, 2 (unnamed).
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