Theophylaktos 114

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitM VII
Dates649 (taq) / 649 (tpq)
Variant NamesTheophylactus
Rome (officeplace)
TitlesPrimikerios of the notarii (Rome) (office)
Textual SourcesLateran Council = Concilium Lateranense anno 649 celebratum, ed. R. Riedinger, ACO II 1 (Berlin, 1984) (conciliar)

Theophylaktos 114 was primikerios of the notarioi of the see of Rome; he was one of the papal officials who attended all five sessions of the Lateran Council in October 649 to assist the proceedings; his normal function was either to introduce persons wishing to make statements to the Council or to produce documents either from the papal archives or from the papal library for them to be read out to the Council; in the Greek texts he is always styled Θεοφύλακτος πριμμικήριος τῶν νοταρίων τῆς ἀποστολικῆς καθέδρας; in the Latin versions he is styled: "Theofylactus primicerius notariorum apostolicae sedis": Conc. Lat., p. 9, line 13 ("Theofylactus primicerius notariorum apostolicae sedis"; he read out a statement opening the proceedings of the Council; the Greek text at this point reads: ἡ ἁγία σύνοδος εἶπεν), p. 36, line 24, cf. p. 37, line 21 (at the second session, he announced the presence of the bishop of Dora, Stephanos 143, who wished to make a statement), p. 48, line 23, cf. p. 49, line 23 (announced the presence of Ioannes 471 and other abbots and monks with a statement to be read out), p. 58, line 29, cf. p. 59, line 29 (proposed the reading out to the Council of documents kept in the papal archives attacking the heretical views of (the monotheletes) Cyrus and Sergios and others), p. 60, line 10, cf. p. 61, line 9 (produced a letter from Sergios 111 to pope Theodore, Theodoros 49), p. 66, line 1, cf. p. 67, line 1 (produced a letter from the bishops of Africa to pope Theodore), p. 72, line 24, cf. p. 73, line 24 (produced letters from the bishops of Byzacena to the emperor Constans and from the bishops of Proconsularis to the patriarch of Constantinople, Paulos 2), p. 96, line 9, cf. p. 97, line 9 (reported the presence in the papal archives of the synodical letter from Victor 6 bishop of Carthage to pope Theodore containing a condemnation of the new heresy and recommended that it be read out to the Council), p. 96, line 31, cf. p. 97, line 31 (produced the synodical letter of Victor 6), p. 118, line 30, cf. p. 119, line 30 (at the third session, where writings of those accused of heresy were read out, he produced a copy of writings of Theodore bishop of Faran), p. 132, line 32, cf. p. 133, line 30 (produced copies of the heretical capitula of Cyrus of Alexandria (Kyros 2) and a letter of agreement from Sergius the patriarch of Constantinople to Cyrus), p. 140, line 118, cf. p. 141, line 17 (produced from the papal library a codex of the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius containing the supposed letter to Gaius), p. 144, line 21, cf. p. 145, line 21 (produced writings of deacon Themistius of Alexandria), p. 162, line 15, cf. p. 163, line 15 (he reported the presence in the papal archives of writings of the patriarchs Sergios and Pyrrhos as well as of Cyrus of Alexandria accepting the doctrines of the Ecthesis), p. 164, line 1, cf. p. 165, line 1 (produced these documents from the archives), p. 170, line 24, cf. p. 171, line 23 (produced the letter of Cyrus), p. 196, line 1, cf. p. 197, line 1 (at the fourth session he produced a copy of a letter from the patriarch of Constantinople, Paulos 2, to pope Theodoros 49, and a copy of the Typos), p. 206, line 23, cf. p. 207, line 23 (produced a copy of the Typos to be read out), p. 216, line 26, cf. p. 217, line 26 (produced from the archives the acts of the first five ecumenical councils for the statements of the faith to be read out), p. 254, line 9, cf. p. 255, line 9 (at the fifth session he produced the acts of the Fifth Ecumenical Council for the statement to be read out ordering adherence to its teachings), p. 256, line 20, cf. p. 257, line 20 (he produced a selection of passages from the Fathers to be read out), p. 320, line 5, cf. p. 321, line 5 (produced a selection of passages from heretical writers to be read out).

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