Theopemptos 1 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | M/L VII |
Dates | 681 (taq) / 692 (tpq) |
Variant Names | Theopemptus |
Religion | Christian; Anti-monothelete |
Locations | Ioustinianopolis (Cappadocia); Ioustinianopolis (Cappadocia) (officeplace); Mokissos (Cappadocia); Constantinople; Mokissos (Cappadocia) (officeplace) |
Occupation | Bishop |
Titles | Bishop, Mokissos (Cappadocia) (office) |
Textual Sources | Constantinople, Third Council of (Sixth Ecumenical Council), ed. R. Riedinger, Concilium Universale Constantinopolitanum Tertium, ACO II.2. 1 (Berlin, 1990-1992); also cited from Mansi XI passim (conciliar); Trullo, (Quinisext) Council in, List of bishops, ed. H. Ohme, Das Concilium Quinisextum und seine Bischofsliste: Studien zum Konstantinopeler Konzil von 692, (Berlin, 1990), pp. 145-170; Mansi XI (conciliar) |
Seal Sources | Laurent, V., Le corpus des sceaux de l'empire byzatin, V, 1-3, L'église (Paris, 1963-72); II, L'administration centrale (Paris, 1981) |
Theopemptos 1 was bishop of Mokissos, also called Ioustinianoupolis, in Cappadocia Secunda; in 681 he attended the Third Council of Constantinople (the Sixth Ecumenical Council) and was present at the last eight sessions (sessions eleven to eighteen, from 20 March to 16 September): Riedinger, pp. 404-824 (= Mansi XI 457-672). In the subscriptions to the statement of the faith, which condemned monotheletism, and to the Council he is styled Θεόπεμπτος ἐλέωι Θεοῦ ἐπίσκοπος τῆς Ἰουστινιανουπολιτῶν ἤτοι Μωκισσηνῶν (Riedinger, p. 784, lines 3-4, p. 893, lines 8-9 (= Mansi XI 644, 692) both have φιλοχρίστου μητροπόλεως τῆς δευτέρας τῶν Καππαδοκῶν ἐπαρχίας): Riedinger, p. 784, lines 3-4, p. 824, lines 18-19, cf. p. 893, lines 8-9 (= Mansi XI 644, 672, cf. 692). In the lists of those attending each session he is styled Θεοπέμπτου ἐπισκόπου Ἰουστινιανουπόλεως ἤτοι Μωκισσοῦ: Riedinger, p. 404, line 6, p. 516, line 30, etc. (= Mansi XI 457, 520, etc.). For the correct form of the name, see Jones, Cities, p. 433, n. 23. He was among the signatories to the copy of the definition of the faith sent to the bishop of Rome, Agatho 1: Riedinger, p. 893, lines 8-9 (= Mansi XI 692). His name occurs in the list printed in Riedinger, p. 734, lines 12-13 (= Mansi XI 696).
Still bishop of Ioustinianoupolis in 692, when Theopemptos 1 attended the Quinisext Council at Constantinople and signed the canons: Ohme, Bischofsliste, p. 148, no. 35 (= Mansi XI 992) (Θεόπεμπτος ἐλάχιστος ἐπίσκοπος τῆς Ἰουστινιανουπολιτῶν ἤτοι Μωκισσηνῶν μητροπόλεως τῆς δευτέρας τῶν Καππαδοκῶν ἐπαρχίας).
Probably identical with the metropolitan bishop of Ioustinianopolis Theopemptos, owner of a seal dateable to the seventh century: Laurent, Corpus V 1, no. 615. Obv.: cruciform monogram of Θεοπέμπτου with the legend Μητροπ<ο>λ<ίτου>. Rev.: <+> Ἰους - τινιαν - οπολ - εο[ς ].
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