Theodoros 84

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitL VIII
Dates787 (taq) / 787 (tpq)
Variant NamesTheodorus
LocationsHerakleia (Caria) (officeplace);
Herakleia (Caria);
TitlesBishop, Herakleia (Caria) (office)
Textual SourcesNikaia, Second Council of (Seventh Ecumenical Council, a. 787) (Mansi XII-XIII) (conciliar)

Theodoros 84 was bishop of Herakleia (perhaps Herakleia ad Salbacum in Caria); in 787 he attended the Second Council of Nikaia (the Seventh Ecumenical Council) and is attested only at the seventh session, on 13 October 787; in the list of those present at that session he is styled Θεοδώρου ἐπισκόπου Ἡρακλείας: Mansi XIII 368. His name does not occur in the list of those who subscribed the statement of the faith adopted by the Council at the seventh session, perhaps due to a defect in the text.

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