Theodimos 1 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | E VIII |
Dates | 717 (c.) / 717 (c.) |
Variant Names | Theodimus |
Religion | Christian |
Locations | Naples (Campania) (officeplace); Naples (Campania); Campania; Cumae (Campania) |
Occupation | Cleric |
Titles | Dispensator of the diaconia of St Andreas at Naples (Campania) (office); Regionarius (office); Rektor of the papal patrimony (office); Subdeacon, Rome (office) |
Textual Sources | Andreas ad Nilum, Church of St; epitaph, Lib. Pont. I, p. 411, n. 17 (epigraphy); Liber Pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne, Le liber pontificalis. Texte, introduction et commentaire, 2 vols. (Paris, 1886-92); re-issued with 3rd vol. by C. Vogel, (Paris, 1955-57) (chronicle) |
Theodimos 1 was a subdeacon (of Rome), regionarius, rector of the papal patrimony (perhaps in Campania) and dispensator of the diaconia of St Andrew (at Naples); his epitaph survived at Naples in the Church of St Andreas ad Nilum until at least the seventeenth century, when it was cited by Baronius, ad ann. 715 (so [Duchesne, Lib. Pont., p. 411, n. 17]). The epitaph ended with the text: "hic in pace membra sunt posita Theodimi subd(iaconi) reg(ionarii) et rect(oris) sancte sed(is) apost(olice) et disp(ensatoris) huius diac(oniae) beati Andreae". He helped the dux of Naples, Ioannes 231, to recapture the fortress of Cumae after it fell into the hands of the Lombards ("cum Theodimo subdiacono et rectore"): Lib. Pont. 91. 7. For the date, perhaps c. 717, see Ioannes 231. His role is not recorded in the notice of this event in Paul. Diac., Hist. Lang. VI 40.
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