Synetos 1 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | E VIII |
Dates | 715 (taq) / 713 (tpq) |
Locations | Mesembria (Haemimontus) (officeplace); Armenia Quarta (officeplace); Kamacha (Armenia Magna) (officeplace); Koloneia (Armenia) (officeplace); Lycia (officeplace); Caria (officeplace); Asia (officeplace); Hellespontus (officeplace); Cilicia (officeplace); Constantinople (officeplace); Lazike (officeplace); Mesembria (Haemimontus); Koloneia (Armenia); Kamacha (Armenia Magna); Armenia Quarta; Constantinople; Asia; Caria; Lycia; Cilicia; Lazike; Hellespontus |
Titles | Apo eparchon (dignity); Archon of the Blattion (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Asia, Caria and Lycia (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Cilicia (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Constantinople (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Hellespontus (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Koloneia, Kamacha (Armenia Magna) (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Lazike (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Mesembria (Haemimontus) (office) |
Seal Sources | Antoniadis-Bibicou, H., Recherches sur les douanes à Byzance (Paris, 1963); Dumbarton Oaks, A Catalogue of the Byzantine Seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art, eds., J. Nesbitt and N. Oikonomides (Washington, DC, 1991-); Laurent, V., "Bulletin de sigillographie byzantine", Byz 5 (1929/30), pp. 571-654; Likhachev, N. P., "Datirovannye Vizantijskie Pechati", Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii Istorii Material'noi Kul'tury 3 (1924), pp. 153-224; Millet. G, "Sur les sceaux des commerciaires byzantins", in Mélanges offerts à G. Schlumberger (Paris, 1924), pp. 303-327; Mordtmann, A., "Peri Byzantinon Molybdoboullon", Hellenikos Philologikos Syllogos 13, supplement archeologique (1880), pp, 44-49; Oikonomides, N., A Collection of Dated Byzantine Lead Seals (Washington, DC, 1986); Panchenko, B. A., Katalog Molivdovulov (Sofia, 1908); repr. from Izvestiia Russkogo archeologicheskogo instituta v Konstantinopole (1903, 1904, 1908); Schlumberger, G. Sigillographie de l'empire byzantin (Paris, 1884); Zacos, G. and Veglery, A., Byzantine Lead Seals, vol. I (in 3 parts) (Basel, 1972). |
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 served together as kommerkiarioi of several different apothekai and were joint owners of a number of seals; see Zacos and Veglery, pp. 156ff. (giving dates from 710/711 to 713/715).
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Lazika: Zacos and Veglery 208, 2764 bis. The names and titles read: Συνέτου καὶ Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων καὶ γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων ἀποθήκης Λαζίκης (or similar).
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Constantinople: Zacos and Veglery 209, 216. The name and titles read: Συνέτου καὶ Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων καὶ γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων ἀποθήκης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (or similar).
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Kilikiai: Zacos and Veglery 209. The names and titles read: [Συνέτου καὶ] Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων, γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων ἀποθήκης τῶν Κιλικίων.
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Hellespontus (their names are missing but perhaps to be restored): Likhachev, Datirovannye 183, 18 = Laurent, Byz. 5, p. 604, 5 = Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes, p. 229, 43.
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi and archontes of the blattion: Zacos and Veglery 215a and b (= Schlumberger, Sig., 739, 3 = Panchenko, Katalog 9 = Likhachev, "Datirovannye" 188ff., 4 = Antoniadis- Bibicou, Douanes, p. 227, 26) (and see Anonymi 5). The names and titles read: Συνέτου καὶ Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων, γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων καὶ ἀρχόντων τοῦ βλαττίου (or similar).
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were Apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Asia, Caria and Lycia: Likhachev, "Datirovannye" 178, 9 = Millet, Sceaux 307 = Laurent, "Bulletin" I 606, 21 = Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes, p. 229, 45. The names and titles read: Συνέτου καὶ Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων καὶ γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων ἀποθήκης Ἀσίας Καρίας Λυκίας. On the reading of the names, see Zacos and Veglery, Seals, p. 157.
The same two persons were probably the apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of an apotheke whose name began with the letter T but is otherwise lost: Zacos and Veglery 218. The names and titles read: [Συνέτου καὶ Νικήτα?] ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων καὶ γενικῶν κομμερκιαρίων ἀποθήκης Τ...
Synetos 1 and Niketas 6 were apo eparchon and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Kolonia, Kamacha and Armenia Quarta: Zacos and Veglery 219 = Oikonomides, Dated Seals, p. 42, no. 30. The names and titles read: [Σ]υνέτου (καὶ) Νικήτα [ἀπὸ ἐπά]ρχων - [(καὶ) γ]ενικ - [ῶ]ν κομμερ - [κ]ιαρίων ἀπὸ - [θή]κης Κολον - [ία]ς Καμάχω - [ν] (καὶ) (τετάρτης) Ἀρμε - νίας. The seal is dated to indictions twelve and thirteen and has on the obverse an image of the emperor Anastasios II. The date is therefore 713/715. For the identification of the emperor, see Oikonomides, Dated Seals, p. 42.
Their names are to be restored on three seals in the Dumbarton Oaks collection, owned by them when they were associated together as genikoi kommerkiarioi of the apotheke of Mesembria: DOSeals I 77.10a = Zacos and Veglery 217a (obv.: [Ι(νδικτίων)] ιβ'. [Συνέ]του (καὶ) [Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων]; rev.: (καὶ) γεν[ι]κῶν κομμερκιαρί[ων] ἀποθήκ[ης Μ]εσεμ[β]ρίας), 77.10b = Zacos and Veglery 217b (obv.: Ι(νδικτίων) ιβ'. [Συνέτου (καὶ) Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων]; rev.: [(καὶ) γε]νι[κ]ῶν κομ[μ]ερκιαρίω[ν] ἀποθήκη[σ] Μεσεμ[β]ρίας), and 77.10c = Zacos and Veglery 217c (obv.: Ι(νδικτίων) ιβ'. [Συνέτου (καὶ) Νικήτα ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων]; rev.: [(καὶ) γε]νι[κ]ῶν κομ[με]ρκιαρίω[ν ἀ]ποθήκη[ς Μ]εσε[μβρίασ]). All three have images of the emperor Anastasios II and therefore date to 713/714, the twelfth indiction. On the restoration of these names, see Nesbitt and Oikonomides, DOSeals I, p. 177, note. Cf. also Theodoros 108. Specimens of these seals were earlier edited by Mordtmann, Hell. Phil. Soc. 13, p. 90, 19, Schlumberger, Sig., p. 112, 2, Likhachev, "Datirovannye" 175, 3 and Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes, p. 229, 44, who read the name of the owner as "Konstantinos".
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