Sergios 10

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitM/L VII
Dates681 (taq) / 681 (tpq)
Variant NamesSergius
LocationsSinope (Helenopontus) (officeplace);
Sinope (Helenopontus)
TitlesBishop, Sinope (Helenopontus) (office)
Textual SourcesConstantinople, Third Council of (Sixth Ecumenical Council), ed. R. Riedinger, Concilium Universale Constantinopolitanum Tertium, ACO II.2. 1 (Berlin, 1990-1992); also cited from Mansi XI passim (conciliar)

Sergios 10 was bishop of Sinope in Helenopontus; in 681 he attended the Third Council of Constantinople (the Sixth Ecumenical Council) and was present at the last eight sessions (sessions eleven to eighteen, from 20 March to 16 September 681): Riedinger II 2. 406-827 (= Mansi XI 460-678). In the subscriptions to the statement of the faith, which condemned monotheletism, he is styled Σέργιος ἐλέει Θεοῦ ἐπίσκοπος Σινώπης τῆς Ἑλενοποντίων ἐπαρχίας: Riedinger II 2. 792, line 8 (= Mansi XI 649). In the subscriptions to the Council he is styled Σέργιος ἐλέει Θεοῦ ἐπίσκοπος τῆς Σινωπέων πόλεως: Riedinger II 2. 827, line 19 (= Mansi XI 677). The old Latin version at Riedinger II 2. 793, line 9 (= Mansi XI 650) calls his see "ciuitatis Sinopes Helenoponti regionis". In the lists of those attending each session he is styled Σεργίου ἐπισκόπου Σινώπης: Riedinger II 2. 406, line 11, 518, line 33, etc. (= Mansi XI 460, 521, etc.).

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