Nikolaos 6

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitM IX
LocationsHagios Diomedes (Monastery of, Constantinople) (officeplace);
Hagios Diomedes (Monastery of, Constantinople) (residence);
Hagios Diomedes (Monastery of, Constantinople);
Hagios Diomedes (Church of, Constantinople) (workplace);
Hagios Diomedes (Church of, Constantinople)
TitlesProsmonarios, Diomedes (Constantinople) (office)
Textual SourcesGenesii, Josephi, Regum Libri Quattuor, eds. A. Lesmüller-Werner and I. Thurn, CFHB 14 (Berlin, 1978) (history);
Georgius Monachus Continuatus, in Theophanes Continuatus, ed I Bekker (Bonn, 1839), pp. 761-924 (history);
Leo Grammaticus, Chronographia, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1842) (chronicle);
Pseudo-Symeon, Chronographia, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1838), pp. 603-760 (history);
Theophanes Continuatus, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1838) (history);
Zonaras = Ioannis Zonarae Epitome Historiarum, libri XIII-XVIII, ed. Th. Büttner-Wobst, (Bonn, 1897) (history)

Nikolaos 6 was the prosmonarios of the Church of Hagios Diomedes near the Golden Gate at Constantinople (the Life of Basil in Theophanes Continuatus makes the church a monastery and calls Nikolaos, whom it does not name, the hegoumenos - τῷ τῆς μονῆς καθηγουμένῳ); when the future emperor Basil I (Basilios 7), seeking his fortune, arrived weary and poor outside the church, Nikolaos 6 supposedly was told by St Diomedes in a series of visions to go out and bring the emperor inside; eventually he brought Basilios 7 in, and fed, bathed and clothed him and treated him as his adopted brother (ἐποίησεν ἀδελφοποίησιν); he himself had a brother (Anonymus 40), a doctor who served under Theophilitzes (Theophilos 7), to whom he told Basilios 7's story, including the vision (Ps.-Symeon says he excluded the vision); the brother recommended Basilios 7 to Theophilos 7 for a post in his service: Leo Gramm. 233-234, Georg. Mon. Cont. 819-820, Ps.-Symeon 655-56, Theoph. Cont. V 9 (pp. 223-225), cf. Zon. XVI 6. 12-21 (the same story; he is unnamed and called the neokoros of the Church of Hagios Diomedes). Unnamed monk, or hegoumenos, of the monastery of Hagios Diomedes, inside the Golden Gate at Constantinople, who gave shelter to Basilios 7, the future emperor, after seeing a vision of St Diomedes: Genesius IV 25.

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