Michael 19

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitL VIII
Dates787 (taq) / 787 (tpq)
PmbZ No.5035
LocationsPappa (Pisidia) (officeplace);
Pappa (Pisidia);
TitlesBishop, Pappa (Pisidia) (office)
Textual SourcesNikaia, Second Council of (Seventh Ecumenical Council, a. 787) (Mansi XII-XIII) (conciliar)

Michael 19 was bishop of Pappa in Pisidia; in 787 he attended the Second Council of Nikaia (the Seventh Ecumenical Council) and was probably present at all eight sessions, from 24 September to 23 November 787: Mansi XII 998-XIII 486. In the lists of those present at the first and seventh sessions he is styled Μιχαὴλ ἐπισκόπου Πάππων: Mansi XII 998, XIII 372. Elsewhere he is styled Μιχαὴλ ὁ ὁσιώτατος ἐπίσκοπος Πάπων or similar: Mansi XII 1107 and XIII 149, XIII 396 (πόλεως Πούππων; the Latin version, at XIII 395, reads: "episcopus Pappensium"). At the second session he supported the traditional veneration of icons as described in statements from pope Hadrian I (Hadrianos 1) and condemned iconoclasts: Mansi XII 1107. At the fourth session he subscribed the statements read out from the Fathers in support of the veneration of icons: Mansi XIII 149. At the seventh session he subscribed the statement of the faith adopted by the Council: Mansi XIII 396.

(Publishable link for this person: http://www.pbe.kcl.ac.uk/person/p5485)