Ioannes 476

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitM VII
Dates649 (taq) / 649 (tpq)
PmbZ No.3407
Variant NamesIohannes
Tarentum (Calabria) (officeplace);
Tarentum (Calabria)
TitlesBishop, Tarantum (Calabria) (office);
Bishop, Tarentum (Calabria) (office)
Textual SourcesLateran Council = Concilium Lateranense anno 649 celebratum, ed. R. Riedinger, ACO II 1 (Berlin, 1984) (conciliar)

Ioannes 476 was bishop of Tarentum (in Calabria); he attended all five sessions of the Lateran Council, from 5 October to 31 October 649, and in the list of bishops present is named in fortieth place: Conc. Lat., p. 4, line 12 (Ἰωάννου ἐπισκόπου Ταράντου), p. 5, line 12 ("Iohanne Tarantino episcopo") (the first session), cf. pp. 33, 113, 179 and 249 (the Latin version only is repeated for the other sessions). He subscribed the definition of the faith agreed by the Council at its fifth session: Conc. Lat., p. 394, line 25 (Ἰωάννης ἐπίσκοπος Ταράντου), p. 395, line 25 ("Iohannis episcopus sanctae Tarantine ecclesiae").

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