Ioannes 57

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitM/L VII
Dates681 (taq) / 681 (tpq)
PmbZ No.2734
Variant NamesIohannes
LocationsAdana (Cilicia) (officeplace);
Adana (Cilicia)
TitlesBishop, Adana (Cilicia) (office)
Textual SourcesConstantinople, Third Council of (Sixth Ecumenical Council), ed. R. Riedinger, Concilium Universale Constantinopolitanum Tertium, ACO II.2. 1 (Berlin, 1990-1992); also cited from Mansi XI passim (conciliar)

Ioannes 57 was bishop of Adana in Cilicia Prima; in 681 he attended the Third Council of Constantinople (the Sixth Ecumenical Council) and was present at two of the last three sessions (sessions sixteen and eighteen, on 9 August and 16 September): Riedinger II 2. 692-828 (= Mansi XI 616-680). In the subscriptions to the statement of the faith, which condemned monotheletism, and to the Council he is styled Ἰωάννης ἐλέει Θεοῦ ἐπίσκοπος πόλεως Ἀδάνων: Riedinger II 2. 794, line 19, 828, line 25 (= Mansi XI 653, 680). In the lists of those present at each session he is styled Ἰωάννου ἐπισκόπου Ἀδάνων: Riedinger II 2. 692, line 28, 764, line 8 (= Mansi XI 616, 629). The old Latin version of Mansi XI 629 calls his see "Hadrianorum" (in error): Mansi XI 630, although the Riedinger edition calls his see, correctly, "Adanorum" at the same place: Riedinger II 2. 765, line 8.

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