Anna 5 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | F |
Floruit | E/M VIII |
Dates | 713 (taq) / 762 (tpq) |
PmbZ No. | 442 |
Religion | Christian |
Locations | Theotokos (Church of the, at Blachernai); Prokonnesos (deathplace); Prokonnesos (residence); Constantinople (residence); Trichinareai (Convent of, Mt Auxentius) (residence); Constantinople; Auxentius (Mt, Bithynia); Prokonnesos |
Occupation | Nun |
Textual Sources | Vita Stephani Iunioris, by Stephanus Diaconus (BHG 1666), ed. M.-F. Auzépy, La Vie d'Etienne le Jeune par Étienne le diacre. Introduction, édition et traduction (Aldershot, 1997); PG 100. 1069-1186 (hagiography) |
Anna 5 was the wife of Gregorios 73: Vita Steph. Iun. 102, 27 (1088D). Mother of St Stephen the Younger (Stephanos 2): Vita Steph. Iun. 92, 1-93, 7 (1076C-D), 94, 23-24 (1077D), 101, 17-103, 4 (1088A-B), 107, 8-11 (1093C-D). She and her husband lived in Constantinople and had two daughters (Anonyma 36 and Theodote 2: cf. Vita Steph. Iun. 153, 14 (1156A)); she was a very devout lady; wanting a son and already nearly past child-bearing age, she invoked the help of the Virgin, praying before her icon in the Church of the Theotokos at Blachernai; eventually she was told by the Virgin in a vision that her wish was granted: Vita Steph. Iun. 92, 14-93, 7 (1073D-1076D). The date is given (at 91, 12-14 (1075C)) as the first year of the reign of Anastasios (713/714) and in the year of the world 6222 (714/715) and (at 94, 26 (1077D)) as at the time when Germanos 8 became patriarch (715/716). Shortly before the birth of Stephanos 2, she and her husband saw the consecration of Germanos 8 as patriarch in Hagia Sophia: Vita Steph. Iun. 93, 15-94, 18 (1077C-D). According to Theophanes (AM 6207), this was 11 August 715. Stephanos 2 was born a matter of days later: Vita Steph. Iun. 94, 26 (1077D). She took him to the Church at Blachernai when he was forty days old to thank the Virgin for her intervention: Vita Steph. Iun. 94, 29-95, 4 (1080A).
When the emperor Leo III (Leo 3) adopted iconoclast policies, she and her husband took Stephanos 2 to Mt Auxentius to become a monk, and then they returned to Constantinople (τὰ οἰκεῖα κατέλαβον): Vita Steph. Iun. 101, 12-104, 12 (1088A-1089C).
After the death of Gregorios 73, Stephanos 2 sold the family property and took his mother and one sister (Theodote 2; the other, Anonyma 36, was already a nun in Constantinople) back to Bithynia and installed them in the women's convent on Mt Auxentius (Trikhinareai) as nuns: Vita Steph. Iun. 197, 11-14 (1093C-D). When Stephanos 2 was exiled to Prokonnesos, Anna 5 and her daughter (Theodote 2) left the convent to join him there: Vita Steph. Iun. 148, 16 (1148C) (τοῦ μοναστηρίου Τριχιναραίων ἀπάρασα). On Prokonnesos a lady from Kyzikos, seeking Stephanos 2's help to cure her son of demonic possession, appealed to Anna 5's sympathies (see Anonyma 34 and Anonymus 262): Vita Steph. Iun. 151, 7 (1152D). Anna 5 died during the second year of her son's exile, and her death was followed shortly afterwards by that of her daughter, Theodote 2: Vita Steph. Iun. 153, 10-16 (1153D-1156A).
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