Anastasios 24 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | E VIII |
Dates | 719 (taq) / 727 (tpq) |
PmbZ No. | 283 |
Locations | Insulae; Constantinople; Thessalonike; Paphlagonia (officeplace); Caria (officeplace); Kerasous (Pontus Polemoniacus) (officeplace); Hellespontus (officeplace); Helenopontus (officeplace); Honorias (officeplace); Asia (officeplace); Syllaion (Pamphylia) (officeplace); Isauria (officeplace); Thessalonike (officeplace); Constantinople (officeplace); Isauria; Syllaion (Pamphylia); Asia; Honorias; Helenopontus; Hellespontus; Insulae (officeplace); Kerasous (Pontus Polemoniacus); Caria; Paphlagonia |
Titles | Hypatos (dignity); Basilikos balnitor (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Asia, Caria and the Islands of Hellespontos (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Constantinople (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Helenopontus, Paphlagonia and Kerasous (Pontus Polemoniacus) (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Honorias, Paphlagonia and the Coast of Pontus (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Isauria and Syllaion (Pamphylia) (office); Genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke, Thessalonike (office) |
Seal Sources | Antoniadis-Bibicou, H., Recherches sur les douanes à Byzance (Paris, 1963); Dumbarton Oaks, A Catalogue of the Byzantine Seals at Dumbarton Oaks and in the Fogg Museum of Art, eds., J. Nesbitt and N. Oikonomides (Washington, DC, 1991-); Laurent, V., "Bulletin de sigillographie byzantine", Byz 5 (1929/30), pp. 571-654; Laurent, V., Les sceaux byzantins du médaillier Vatican (Vatican City, 1962); Likhachev, N. P., "Datirovannye Vizantijskie Pechati", Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii Istorii Material'noi Kul'tury 3 (1924), pp. 153-224; Likhachev, N. P., "Nekotorie stareishie tipy pechati vizantiiskikh imperatorov", Numismaticheskii Zbornik 1 (1911), pp. 497-539; Millet. G, "Sur les sceaux des commerciaires byzantins", in Mélanges offerts à G. Schlumberger (Paris, 1924), pp. 303-327; Panchenko, B. A., Katalog Molivdovulov (Sofia, 1908); repr. from Izvestiia Russkogo archeologicheskogo instituta v Konstantinopole (1903, 1904, 1908); Zacos, G. and Veglery, A., Byzantine Lead Seals, vol. I (in 3 parts) (Basel, 1972). |
Anastasios 24 was a basilikos balnitor who acquired the dignity of hypatos between 718/719 and 721/722. He was genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Constantinople in 718/719 and 723/724, genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Asia, Caria, the Islands and Hellespontos, and of the apotheke of, perhaps, Helenopontos, Paphlagonia and Kerasous in 721/722, genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Thessalonike in 723/724 and 724/725, and genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke also of Honorias, Paphlagonia and the Coast of Pontus as far as Trapezous in either 721/722 or 727/728. In addition, at some unknown date he was genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Isauria and Syllaion. Nesbitt and Oikonomides note (DOSeals I, pp. 63-64) that this man is known from many seals and "must have been a wealthy businessman who farmed out the office of general kommerkiarios of several provinces between 718 and 727 (cf. Zacos and Veglery, pp. 158-159). He appears as a basilikos balnitor who obtained the title of hypatos sometime around 719 and 720. He received the office of general kommerkiarios of Thessalonike for two consecutive years, during the first of which he also farmed out the same office for Constantinople".
Hypatos, basilikos balnitor and genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Thessalonike; he was the owner of several seals dated in 723/724 and 724/725: DOSeals I 18.32 = Zacos and Veglery 230 (dated 723/724), DOSeals I 18.33 = Zacos and Veglery 231a (dated 724/725) (= Laurent, Vat., p. 124, no. 5). The first seal reads: obv.: Ἰ<νδικτίων> ζ'. Ἀναστασίου ὑπάτου βασιλικοῦ βαλν[ί]τορος; rev.: καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης Θεσσαλωνίκης. The obverse also has busts of the emperor Leo III and a beardless Constantine V, indicating that indiction 7 was 723/724. The second seal reads: Ἰ<νδικτίων> η'. Ἀναστασίου ὑπάτου βασιλικοῦ βα[λ]νίτορος; rev.: καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης Θεσαλονίκις. The obverse has similar busts of the same emperors, indicating that indiction eight was 724/725. A specimen probably from the same boulloterion as the second seal is Zacos and Veglery 231b.
He was also the owner of the following seals: 1) Zacos and Veglery 223 (dated 718/719); obv.: image of Leo III, with a circular inscription reading: Ἀναστασίου βασιλ....αλνητ...; rev.: . γενι - κου κομμ - ερκιαριου απ - οθηκης Κων - σταντιν. - .ολεω.; the name and titles read: Ἀναστασίου βασιλικοῦ βαλνήτορος καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. 2) Panchenko, Katalog, 1 = Likhachev, Num. Sbornik 1 (1911), p. 518, no. 1 = Likhachev, "Datirovannye" p. 176, no. 5 = Millet, "Sceaux" 314 = Laurent, "Bulletin" I, p. 585, no. 4, p. 604, no. 6 = Laurent, Vat., p. 124, no. 1 = Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes p. 227, no. 24 (he was basilikos balnitor and genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Isauria and Syllaion). 3) Zacos and Veglery 224a; obv.: images of Leo III and Constantine V, the date Ἰ<νδικτίων> δ' (= 720/721), and the legend: Αναστασιου υ. - βασιλικου - .αλνιτο - ...; rev.: και γενι - κου κομ - μερκιαρ - ου αποθηκ -ης Κωνστ - αντινου - π... ; the name and titles read: Ἀναστασίου ὑπάτου βασιλικοῦ βαλνίτορος καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. 4) Zacos and Veglery 226; obv.: images of Leo III and Constantine V, the date Ἰ<νδικτίων> ε' (= 721/722), and the legend: .ναστασιου - ..ατου βασι - ...ου βα. - ...; rev.: και γενι. - ου κομμερ - κιαριου απο. - ηκης Ασιας Κ. - .ιας των Ν. - .ων ολω.. - ...λης.. - .... ; the name and titles read: Ἀναστασίου ὑπάτου βασιλικοῦ βαλνίτορος καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης Ἀσίας, Καρίας, τῶν Νήσων ὅλων καὶ Ἑλλησπόντου; for similar seals, see also Likhachev, "Datirovannye" p. 168ff., no. 6, Laurent, "Bulletin" I, p. 585, no. 3, p. 604, no. 7, Laurent, Vat., p. 124, no. 3, Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes p. 226, no. 9. 5) Likhachev, "Datirovannye" p. 165ff., no. 3 (dated 727/728) = Laurent, "Bulletin" I, p. 585, no. 1 and p. 623, no. 2 = Laurent, Vat., p. 124, no. 2 = Zacos and Veglery, p. 158 (dated 721/722?) = Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes p. 225, no. 8; he was hypatos, basilikos balnitor and genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Honorias, Paphlagonia and of the Coast of Pontus as far as Trapezous. 6) Zacos and Veglery 227; obv.: image of Constantine V, the date Ἰ<νδικτίων> ε' (= 721/722), and the legend: ...σιου - ...βασι - ...βαλ - ...ος; rev. : και γ... - ου κ... - κια... - θηκ... - λλε... - λα... - σου... ; the name and titles perhaps read: Ἀναστασίου ὑπάτου βασιλικοῦ βαλνίτορος καὶ γενικοῦ κομμερκιαρίου ἀποθήκης ..., possibly of Helenopontos, Paphlagonia and Kerasous. 7) Zacos and Veglery, p. 158 (dated 723/724) = Likhachev, "Datirovannye", p. 166ff., no. 4 = Laurent, "Bulletin" I, p. 585, no. 2 = Laurent, Vat., p. 124, no. 4 = Antoniadis- Bibicou, Douanes p. 226, no. 11; he was hypatos, basilikos balnitor and genikos kommerkiarios of the apotheke of Constantinople. 8) Zacos and Veglery 224b (dated 720/727) = Likhachev, Num. Sbornik 1 (1910) 515ff. = Likhachev, "Datirovannye" p. 167ff., no. 5 = Millet, "Sceaux" 307 = Laurent, "Bulletin" I, p. 585, no. 2 = Laurent, Vat., p. 116 = Antoniadis-Bibicou, Douanes p. 226, no. 15; obv.: busts of two emperors, with the legend Αναστασι - υπ βασιλι. - .βαλν.; rev.: γενι - ου κομ - ερκιαρι - ..ποθηκ - ..ωνστ - .τινου - ολε.ς; this seal was possibly a forgery (see Zacos and Veglery ad loc.). 9) Zacos and Veglery 1702 (dateable to the first half of the eighth century); obv.: cruciform monogram of Θεοτόκε βοήθει, with Ανα - στα - σι - ω in the corners; rev.: cruciform monogram of, perhaps, βαλνήτορι; the name and title perhaps read: Ἀναστασίῳ βαλν[ί]τορι; the reading is uncertain; Zacos and Veglery suggest that this was a private seal of this same person. 10) Zacos and Veglery 2859A (dateable to the late seventh or early eighth century); obv.: +Αν - αστ. - σιου; rev.: βαλ - νιτο - ρος; the name and title read: Ἀναστασίου βαλνίτορος; possibly the same person.
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