Eulogios 1 | Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire |
Sex | M |
Floruit | M/L IX |
Dates | 867 (taq) / 867 (tpq) |
Ethnicity | Persian |
Locations | Marina (Palace of, Constantinople); Constantinople (residence); Constantinople |
Textual Sources | Georgius Monachus Continuatus, in Theophanes Continuatus, ed I Bekker (Bonn, 1839), pp. 761-924 (history); Leo Grammaticus, Chronographia, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1842) (chronicle); Pseudo-Symeon, Chronographia, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1838), pp. 603-760 (history) |
Eulogios 1 is alluded to as Eulogios the Persian (Εὐλόγιος ὁ Πέρσης); after the murder of the emperor Michael III (Michael 11) by Basilios 7 (Basil I) (on the night of 23 September 867), the conspirators crossed the strait to the house of Eulogios 1 and took him back with them to the district of Marina and to the imperial palace there, where Eulogios addressed the hetairiarches Artabasdos 4 in his own tongue (τῇ αὐτοῦ γλώττῃ) telling him that Michael 11 was dead and the gates should be opened to admit the emperor Basil (Basilios 7): Leo Gramm. 251-252, Georg. Mon. Cont. 838, Ps.-Symeon 685. Since Artabasdos 4 was probably an Armenian, the language spoken was perhaps Armenian. Eulogios 1 was evidently a supporter of Basilios 7.
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